Welcome to Songs Playlist
Play and sing with your backing tracks and lyrics on your Laptop!
My new project Songs Playlist!
Bob Dooley entertainer, guitarist, singer & Web designer.
HTML5 media player integrated with lyrics and sheet music dedicated for vocalists, musicians, artists with PC or Mac. Laptop, notebook, MacBook, all in one PC / Mac ...
Play and sing with your backing tracks, guitar backing tracks, songs ... easy and simple!
Songs Playlist works like Web page, offline with fast navigation. No need Internet conection! It's compatible with mostly all Internet browser and supported WAV, mp3 audio and midi files.
Opereiting system: Windows / Mac OS
Individual preparation:
1. Make a contact per @mail Email
2. Send lyrics file of each song per @mail. Rich text, word.doc format, whatever you have.
Write in head or bottom song link reference, exactly the name of your audio / midi file.
Example: sweet_caroline.mp3 / sweet_caroline.wav / sweet_caroline.mid
3. Create and write your desired order for Songs Playlist.
4. When your Songs Playlist is ready, you will recive @mail with one zip file. (aproximately 3 days)
5. This zip file you need to unzip and install on your hard drive. After that just copy all your audio / midi files to folder / sound /.
That's all and you have Songs Playlist ready on your PC / Mac computer!
Here is about my 20 guitar backing tracks, songs examples of my → Songs Playlist. Enjoy!
I sing & play successfully lot of years with an older Songs Playlist version. The new one is powerful, compatible with Windows, macOS and adaptable for different screen sizes.
Laptop touch screen 16, 17 inch.
Thank you for your attention and waiting for a response @mail. Email
Bob Dooley